Tea Leaves

The TWM blog - something to read with a good cup of tea!


On the show, Mike sits down with guests from around the world and discovers their stories.

Podcasters, Creative Artists and Entrepreneurs are amongst the many that have joined Mike in conversation, and shared their stories over a good cup of tea!

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Brand Content

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In this Blog post, we will be learning about the role of Content in a Brand.

Types of Content that might appeal to your audience:

  1. Images
  2. Audio
  3. Video
  4. Blogs
  5. Articles
  6. E-books
  7. Infographic
  8. Newsletter
  9. Podcasts

What might work best for you? This is something that is going to be different for everyone. Experiment with Words, Images, and Videos and see which perform best for you in terms of what the audience responds to or put out Content in whatever medium feels comfortable for you.

To understand what might work takes time. Using data can help you adjust your strategy. It’s a game of patience and constant adjustment!

A suggested way to set up a content strategy:

  1. Set your goals
  2. Assess your current position
  3. Asses content performance
  4. Know your Audience
  5. Understand the Social Media Channels out there
  6. Create a Content Calendar to stay organized
  7. Distribute and market your Content on Social Media
  8. Measure your results
  9. Repeat the process

I'd recommend using the free application Trello if you want a visual way for staying organized and on top of what Content needs to go out.

See how I use Trello below:

To be continued.

Tea Chat

Fancy a cup of tea with Mike? Enter your details below and we'll be in touch.


Please note that Mike asks for a small donation for this service to support his brand.